Saturday, December 01, 2007

Dispatcher: RTC

Here I am in Wichita dispatching the K&O railroad. The K&O has over 800 miles of track, all dark territory, operating under Track Warrant Control (TWC). I was working longer and longer hours in my job as a medical technologist. It got to the point that I figured I was making as much per hour as the french fry cooks at McDonalds. So, I decided to go back to work for the railroad. But not as engineer, mind you. I have still had enough of 100-hour work weeks. So, I decided to go back as a dispatcher. Dispatcher hours of service are quite different from engineer hours of service. I can only work 9 hours per 24-hour period. That boils down to a maximum of 63 hours per week. I was putting in about 80 per week at the hospital. So, goodbye hospital- hello Austin Western Railroad. My hours now work out to be 40 per week, although an extra day here and there does crop up. I haven't worked overtime in the last 2 pay periods, though, and I do value my off duty time more than the overtime pay. I got my dispatcher training at the Watco Dispatcher Center in Wichita. I dispatched every railroad they operate during my training. It was a blast. The Austin Western railroad is dispatched in Austin. The AWRR is different because it is the only railroad that will have daily passenger service, with 30 minute headways between trains. The dispatchers will be on site rather than in Wichita because of the commuter service- we will dispatch using TWC, but we will also have 32 miles of CTC (for the passenger trains).


Blogger Dave Bernstein said...


Please contact me at or

I need some information on AWRR operations.

10:37 AM  
Blogger Karen said...

Hey Bob,
Remember me? I am Christopher Jared Bythewood's daughter. Did you ever get the pictures from his last run? If not I will send them to you. I really find myself missing daddy these days. You are the closest connection I have to daddy. Anyway, if you can email me, I would appreciate it. Thanks.

7:00 PM  
Blogger ShortFuse said...


Could you please contact me at

I also am looking for AWRR operations information. Thanks.

8:48 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Bob if you have the time send me an email at I would like to discuss the impact of electrical blackouts on railroad operations. Jim

8:41 AM  
Blogger ShortFuse said...


You gave me some AWRR timetable information a while back for a train simulator project I was working on. I am working on a new project and was wondering if you would be able to help me out again. My email is Thanks.


9:04 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Bob,

Is all of your territory now dark territory? How much will the new Rail Act effect a short line? Will you have to put in signals, or electric locks on your switches?


9:10 AM  
Blogger Lee said...

Hi Bob,

I found your blog via Google. I hope you are doing well. Seems like this blog is dormant. Nice photos and comments. I don't know if you remember me from Lumberton about 4 decades ago.

Best wishes, Lee Hargraves

6:51 AM  

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